Monday, June 16, 2008

The begining

So there is a lot going on in my life right now- I'm leaving all my family and friends in Ottawa, my stable and fulfilling job and moving back to BC. But before I do that I will be spending my summer in Nunavut teaching science and climate change workshops.

That means there are a lot of adventures in my future. I am not sure whether they will be positive or negative adventures, I am just sure that there is a lot of change and life experiences coming my way and I'm looking forward to it. I plan on using this blog to keep in touch with the most people possible this summer and beyond, so feel free to comment or question anything I write here.

The adventure doesn't officially start until July 7th, but I am not totally sure when I will leave for Igloolik, it may be much sooner, and the goodbyes have begun, which is proving to be much more heart wrenching than I had thought, but again, it all falls into the category of life experiences and I am trying to approach mine with flexibly and an open heart, so here it goes....